In order to further promote those collaborations, the JJC will positively be reorganized into the Japan Co-operative Alliance (JCA).

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2024.12.24ニュースNEWS2025 国連国際協同組合年、ニューデリーでスタート
2024.04.23NEWSIn memory of Professor Emeritus Münkner
2023.02.20ニュースNEWS国際連携Message from JCA to the Victims of the February 6 Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
2022.03.23ニュースNEWS国際連携JCA Issues Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine (23 March 2022)
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2020.09.11NEWS【Beat Covid-19】Japanese Cooperatives’ Efforts to Combat Covie-19 (Summary Report Ver.3)
2020.08.31NEWS【Beat Covid-19!】Japanese Cooperatives’ Efforts to Combat Covid-19 (Summary Report Ver.2)
2020.08.06NEWS【Beat Covid-19!】 Japanese Cooperatives' Efforts to Combat Covid-19 (Summary Report)

Promote inter-co-operative collaborations (promotion and support)
- Plan and promote inter-co-operative collaboration at the national level
- Support collaborations within prefectures and communities
- Collaborate with government/NPOs/other organizations mainly in implementing activities for protecting people’s livelihoods, jobs and communities
- Collaborate with international organizations such as the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA); disseminate information across the international community
- Support the establishment of outside-the-box unconventional co-operatives

Make policy proposals; engage in public relations activities (dissemination of messages)
- Make policy proposals and engage in negotiations to protect members’ livelihoods, jobs and local communities
- Disseminate information and engage in public relations activities to share with society what co-operatives do, help people gain a better understanding of co-operatives, and encourage participation

Provide education and conduct research (analysis, sharing and proliferation)
- Provide education and training to co-operative members and co-operative managers and staff members
- Provide education to the general public by sponsoring university courses and outreach programs for compulsory education
- Conduct surveys/research and maintain databases on and in relation to co-operatives
- Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives (JA ZENCHU)
- Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union (JCCU)
- National Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations (ZENGYOREN)
- National Federation of Forest Owners' Co-operativeAssociations (ZENMORI-REN)
- National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations (ZEN-NOH)
- National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives (ZENKYOREN)
- The Norinchukin Bank
- IE-NO-HIKARI Association
- The Japan Agricultural News(NIHON-NOGYO-SHIMBUN)
- National Federation Of Workers & Consumers Kyosai Co-operatives (Kokumin Kyosai co-op)
- Japan Co-op Insurance Consumers' Co-operative Federation (JCIF)
- National Federation of University Co-operative Associations (NFUCA)
- Japan Workers' Co-operative Union (Jigyodan) (JWCU)
- National Association of Labour Banks (NALB)
- Japanese Health and Welfare Co-operative Federation (HeW CO-OP Japan)
- Japan Cooperative General Research Institute (JC-Soken)
- Japan Co-operative Insurance Association Inc. (JCIA)
As economies globalize, issues such as widening disparities in wealth and social isolations are common issue across the world.
As co-operatives, which are autonomous associations of persons to support one another, we can contribute to Japanese society by tackling those issues to engage in "creating better life and work in sustainable local communities".
In Japan, co-operatives operate in diverse areas including agriculture, forestry and fisheries, retail, finance, mutual aid, employment creation, welfare, medical care, travel, and housing, with a total membership of 65 million. Through the cross-industry collaborations, we have also contributed society as a whole with a lot of activities such as nature conservation activities, job creation, and providing places for children.
The Japan Co-operative Alliance (JCA) will consolidate capacities of co-operatives across Japan and facilitate collaborations between co-operatives with the aim of solving social issues.
We invite you to follow our progress to see what the JCA can achieve.
The JJC is proud to support the ICA's global awareness campaign which started at the 2015 global conference in Antalya, Turkey and was delighted to develop the Japanese version of the Co-operative advert. Click on the link to view the video.
This video was made as a part of the ICA "Global Campaign".
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